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354 total results
Hello everyone I have some new symptoms that I want to investigate. The last couple of...
;ve been waking up with really bad pain ... Stiffness too and the pain even when ... using some tumeric or Tylenol doesn ... Are these symptoms of peripheral neuropathy
Good morning Colleen, Thank you for your response, and I would be happy to be introduced...
Shortly after my surgery I experienced numerous ... Moreover, I have on-going post surgical neuropathy ... pain which has resulted in my having
Thank-you, that helps. I've never heard of cancer bringing it on. My docs always just said...
My docs always just said you have neuropathy ... heard all these things could cause neuropathy ... shoulders bend & spasm where my cancer tumors ... questions: ... /article_em.htm#types_of_neuropathy
pk - I was diagnosed with Peripheral Neuropathy as well - I have seen a neurologist...
- I was diagnosed with Peripheral Neuropathy ... thigh but I don't want to take any pain ... Do you take a Turmeric pill or do you ... I have a small tumor on the L5 nerve ... Very curious about the Turmeric.
Hi Colleen & John, Thank you for sharing this information. My name is Patti and I'm...
was just diagnosed with Peripheral Neuropathy ... I've been having pain in my left calf ... I started having more burning pain on ... I do have a small sheath tumor around