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892 total results
In 2017 I was being treated for Mortens Neuroma and at the same time had UTI....
experience stabbing or a feeling of an electric ... shock in the feet I did research the
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: Feb 17 1:00pm
Hi, @kathyv66 , That is interesting, and it sounds like those socks are a blessing. Was...
interesting, and it sounds like those socks ... you could walk safely with just the socks ... I use a foot-sized electric heating
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: Jan 6 1:02am
I had to discontinue Zytiga after 2.5 years Because it was causing me to have Afib...
to an antibiotic I took that caused electrical ... system problems with the heart so that shocking
Support Group: Prostate Cancer
Posted: Dec 4, 2024
I had 1-2 winters where my feet were incredibly cold and I bought electric socks to...
were incredibly cold and I bought electric ... socks to wear around the house - they
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: Jan 24 7:59am