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363 total results
@aa4 last year, from March-October I was diagnosed with autoimmune liver disease and my MELD reached...
March-October I was diagnosed with autoimmune ... I had multiple episodes of hepatic encephalopathy
Support Group: Transplants
Posted: Nov 24, 2022
Hello Cindy @sav4 welcome! Thank you for joining the conversation. Chilblains....nasty!!! I am sorry you are...
all sorts of diagnoses and possible autoimmune ... discolored feet be it bright red from heat ... your bloodwork results and if any autoimmune
Thank you for the response. I am going to see a GI specialist this week to...
levels, thyroid levels, blood counts, hepatitis ... check, as well as autoimmune activation
Support Group: Chronic Pain
Posted: Sep 10, 2021
Please, I need help from all: I have three autoimmune diseases as well as pancytopenia (anemia)....
need help from all: I have three autoimmune ... Also read that people with autoimmune ... not receive this shot and I have 3 autoimmune ... Well here I am so let us keep heat up