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29 total results
@roshanbilal1966 - An update since I last posted in June 2021, I was switched from Stelara...
2021, I was switched from Stelara to Skyrizi
@leemoore13 I am sure diet - knowing which foods to avoid - could and would help...
have complained about Stelara and Skyrizi
Unfortunately Crohn's and UC are vastly different. UC is only in the large bowel (colon) where...
the lowest immunosuppressant, like Skyrizi
@becsbuddy - yes, I do have OLP too. It had cleared up completely when I was...
I have just started on a new one - Skyrizi
@leemoore13 I know exactly what you are going through. Scalp and neck psoriasis (along with other...
Eighteen months later was switched to Skyrizi