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3,488 total results
@ funcountess I have the toothpaste also as well as mouthwash they both burn maybe that...
also as well as mouthwash they both burn ... maybe that just me but they burn mouth ... my mouth
@fde11 Hi there. I'm sorry you are experiencing these symptoms and am very happy you're lining...
some that are by the day, week, or month ... also experience pins and needles, burning ... feet freeze and feel frost bit, a burning
Hi all - I wanted to share my happenings as they pertain to this discussion about...
was felt then we'd move on to burning ... and insurance allows for RFA every 6 months ... again for fluoroscopy guided nerve burning ... more being fished through my body to burn
Hi all I just heard bout this forum I’m new. I was diagnosed with CRPS type...
strain contusion, allowed to work 3 monthes ... getting raised hives on my hip that burned
Hi, I am Jeri and I suffer from PHN on the left side of my scalp,...
A month later I had another injection ... Then a month -6 weeks later I had Radio ... Ablation to the nerve and head hoping to burn ... almost constantly once again with burning