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219 total results
Sorry to hear that the PMR is generating neuropathy symptoms. I hope once you can get...
Sorry to hear that the PMR is generating ... neuropathy symptoms. ... I hope once you can get the PMR under ... My neuropathy was before the PMR, but
Posted: Mar 30, 2023
@redboat, Sorry to hear PMR is causing problems with neuropathy and walking. I have both neuropathy...
@redboat, Sorry to hear PMR is causing ... problems with neuropathy and walking ... I have both neuropathy (numbness only ... ) and PMR which is now in remission. ... When my PMR was active and flaring bad
Posted: Mar 30, 2023
I was finally diagnosed with PMR on April 1st of this year after being passed to...
I was finally diagnosed with PMR on ... neurologist (who actually diagnosed PMR ... I started symptoms of PMR at the end ... cancer treatments in December and have neuropathy
I was only on the Anestrozole a short time, maybe a few weeks, when PMR symptoms...
short time, maybe a few weeks, when PMR ... might be something to do with the neuropathy ... was the neurologist that diagnosed PMR ... had, i.e. chemo, surgery, radiation, neuropathy ... they say, no one knows the cause of PMR