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2,265 total results
Hi Oregongirl I am @marield65 and 72 years old and had 1 fusion, 3 minor back...
didn’t work I was horrible and on opioids ... resort but you have to think of your pain
Is this a general practitioner or a pain specialist? I know there are almost no GP's...
Is this a general practitioner or a pain ... almost no GP's who will write an opioid ... script, but pain management docs, for ... Pancreatic pain acts a bit different ... than back or joint pain and there is
Thank you for speaking with me today and I really appreciate this site, I just checked...
her medications due to reactions and pain ... the place for someone with Chronic pain ... day 6 we make a flying trip back to pain ... someone who has taken benzo's and opiods
@stfnwtl89, I recommend that you try to get an appointment with a Mayo close to you....
have many good programs to address pain ... bodies and brains change when we take opiods ... The opiods replace the normal pain reactions ... rebuild those brain pathways to handle pain ... He was on these opiods for over 10 years
@gailb, you are spot on as far as my experience with gabapentin. I was taking 3000mg/day...
opiates for my chronic pancreatitis pain ... by with the fast acting for acute pain ... near that affect cognitively with opioids ... gabapentin helps with their neuropathy pain