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- Search by keywords or complete phrases.
- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
2,266 total results
I’m sorry you have been diagnosed with PTS. My advice is to read as much as...
It was 11-12 weeks before the pain went ... It has been 20 months for me and my pain ... I take opioids and Lyrica for pain. ... help some but I still have a lot of pain ... None worked on my pain.
Yea, I tried a ton of different CBD products and none of which offered a bit...
and none of which offered a bit of pain ... So I’m stuck on opioids.
@dawn_giacabazi Hi Dawn, I do have 2 married children. My son lives in another state so...
I know how much my situation pains her ... really found anything to take the pain ... I have opioids, but they really don& ... The only time I feel NO pain is when ... What do you do to ease your pain?
I'm sorry for the pain you and your son are suffering. I was Dx with Epstein-Barr...
I'm sorry for the pain you and your ... he has, ibuprofen, NO aspirin or pain ... like Alleve, Advil and definitely no opoids ... they suck away your energy and the pain ... #39;t get there if I miss a pain
@jamiejames I did some research on Google to find information about CBD use in New York....
most recently included "chronic pain ... qualify for as it is ok'd for opioid