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- Search by keywords or complete phrases.
- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
2,266 total results
HI Youngtwin, Always welcome to this group of amazing people. I truly understand about what you...
situation for all of us with chronic pain ... I so much agree about the opoids situation
@mwcates, you are quite right that Mayo Clinic Connect is an open and free forum. @ckeys...
is possible to be dependent on an opioid ... a drug like morphine, for example, pain ... ..."
You're so right that pain ... meds rarely eliminate pain. ... Connect:
- What Distracts You From the Pain
@ckeys Why are you cautioning me? Isn't this a free and open forum? Dependence is a...
website: "Some drugs, such as opioid ... others." (under drug addiction) The pain ... meds I'm on do not leave me pain-free
Fantastic that you’ve gotten the help for your pain without opioids! I’m looking for CBD only...
that you’ve gotten the help for your pain ... without opioids!
rascal1, Hi, I use CBD every day in several forms, as a 2-1 tincture in my...
For intense pain at an 8 level or more ... products and have elected never to use opioids