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- Search by keywords or complete phrases.
- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
2,196 total results
Good morning, @amkie, Thank you for your post. For both posts. I hope it doesn’t surprise...
On the one hand, I find my preoccupation ... amusing, but on the other hand, I don ... them, yakking up a storm about nerve numbness
I had two shots, one on either side of my left ankle to target pain from...
Even with numbing the area, the pain ... Dissipated to a harsh numbness with ... many other joints, with the feet and hands
Good evening. I think I have found an important group tonight. I am currently trying to...
All of a sudden I started feeling numbness ... in both my hands and arms.
Good morning Bonnie and thank you for your reply and for sharing your information. My name...
I had a TIA and numbing on my right ... my right arm felt “asleep”, and my hands
I concur that you need to have MANY opinions!!! You will be driven crazy as they...
If you have numbness/tingling in your ... arms, hands, or fingers it tells you