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2,202 total results
My hands were a very big part of my 12 year experience with PMR and taking...
My hands were a very big part of my ... I had hand surgery within a week of ... Over the years I learned that stiff hands ... fingers are commonly involved and feel numb ... except my hands were warm and it could
Hey Jake- It's nice to hear from you! I'm glad you're managing your numbness and that...
#39;m glad you're managing your numbness ... improvement in my shoulders, arms and hands
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: Jul 21, 2020
@nycgirl, I also have numbness in my feet but I still have some feeling and can...
@nycgirl, I also have numbness in my ... main concern I would have is if the numbness ... or topicals that will help with the numbness ... steeldove has experience with using hand ... Here is a post discussing the hand controls
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: Jul 7, 2020
He is the one that started treatment for severe plantar fasciitis that has lasted 20 years...
very well for pain--but of course the numbness ... has developed quickly and spread to hands
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: May 16, 2020