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- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
2,202 total results
He didn' t know I don't think although I did ask him, but because the CRP...
My hands both now have what appears ... Fingers are so sore, feeling kind of numb
I have been diagnosed with a paralyzed diaphragm, from a sniff test & ct. I also...
question is my symptoms started with numbness ... & burning in hands to arms chest
@jgraber <<…pain started in my feet, spread to my legs, arms and hands. This pain is...
feet, spread to my legs, arms and hands ... aching, stabbing, squeezing, burning, numbness ... Systemically, it feels like a large hand
I got my second Moderna shot on March 11th of this year. My birthday. Happy birthday...
My hands and feet are numb and tingle
Hello @bunnynumbfeet, I don’t take all of the supplements in Protocol 525 due to drug interactions...
My overall muscle pain and numbness, ... I don’t think my numbness will ever ... I’ve had occupational therapy for hand ... that in order to maintain stronger hand ... up my left leg, and now my arms and hands