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1,436 total results
@bugs If you read prior posts, you'll see how others of us deal with neuropathic pain....
A spinal cord stimulator implant has
@parus I have tried so many drugs, I can't remember them all. Right now I'm taking...
Now, since I had a spinal cord stimulator
@johnwburns, I've been seeing low hemoglobin in a string of blood draws over the past year,...
peripheral neuropathy, and recently had a spinal ... cord stimulator implant, which is making
Welcome @pfox, I am 49 years old and have suffered with CRPS now for almost nine...
Second is usually by way of SCSS (Spinal ... Cord Stimulation Surgery) This surgery ... a needle into the spine near the spinal ... cord, which provides a tingling sensation ... Once implanted, the stimulator can be
Hi Jim, a Burst DR stimulator as a spinal cord implant, is that a difficult operation...
Hi Jim, a Burst DR stimulator as a ... spinal cord implant, is that a difficult