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4,691 total results
Fifteen years ago I had a bilateral mastectomy with latflap reconstruction (looks good but doesn’t feel...
that my beasts are suctioned to my chest ... and I am wearing a bra that it too tight ... A really good PT might be able to show
Curious...........I had a bi lateral mastectomy and only sentinel node removal going on 3 years ago...
Wonder if the pain people experience might ... I had a second surgery to my chest wall ... twinges of pain and itching on my chest
Hi @katherine_gauthier, Thank you so much for sharing your information; I'm so glad you've joined this...
– as they've all written about chest ... insights, and have some information that might ... hernias, GERD) that can present as chest ... related symptoms; is this something you might
That is one of my worst problems. Lack of sleep causes Anxiety and depression and Anxiety...
When i wake up, my chest is tight and
Hello @gailfaith Thanks for sharing your experience. I have a post and had a 2450 calcium...
your surgery,have you had another CAT chest ... surgery and I believe you picked the right