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  • Search by keywords or complete phrases.
  • To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
  • Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
2,277 total results
I wanted a cure from the pain, not opioids. A study I found from the Cleveland...
I wanted a cure from the pain, not opioids ... Although I still have neuropathy, the pain ... It’s not overnight, but th pain in my ... hands and a lot of the pain in my feet ... are still mostly numb, but they are pain
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: May 1, 2023
It always seems to me that dr.s are not giving opioids to patients who don't need...
seems to me that dr.s are not giving opioids ... people, they didn't have real pain ... do not think dr.s are giving them opioids
Hello there, I totally understand and empathize with your pain management challenges. I’ve been dealing with...
I’ve done a lot of research about “opioids ... “OPIOIDS” have a very important place ... Me and most opioid patients have found ... The opioids are only going to be as ... issues who stupidly take opioids to
Support Group: Fibromyalgia
Posted: Apr 13, 2023
Everyone has different pain. I would be thrilled if lidocaine in any form helped. After 20...
Everyone has different pain. ... more specific and said intractable pain ... have tried everything I know of,that opioids ... say if drs say you don't need opioids ... s because they have never had real pain