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- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
2,277 total results
My research has led me into the same area of concern. My story is mine and...
yours, ours relate very much so where pain ... but not least the very controversial Opioids ... Today, I’m in the worst pain imaginable ... when gently applying pressure, the pain ... me to know that I’m not crazy, in pain
Hello there, I hope to be of some assistance through my personal experience using BUPRENORPHINE. Firstly,...
Firstly, it’s an OPIOID! ... Primarily used for people with OUD, “OPIOID ... Also utilized by people on opioids who ... Opioids have literally saved my life ... DEPENDENT vs OPIOID ADDICTED.
@rwinney I am about to try what you would call advanced hypnosis, where the person running...
almost stop their heartbeat, reduce pain ... We know, for example, that opioids can ... retrained a little that we are in pain ... Those of us with chronic pain where ... relief, not addicted to pain relief
Hi @cincinnati, I am glad to hear you are in less pain. I have been through...
I am glad to hear you are in less pain ... we wanted to avoid any exposure to opioid-based ... from 7/8 to a 4 without the need for opioids ... not have the feeling of impairment opioids ... patches worked very well, but like opioids
I only had nausea and some skin reaction so what you are seeing is quite unusual...
am assuming it is for your chronic pain ... works for some people with chronic pain ... , and you can avoid the opioid impacts ... - no more patch-related issues, no opioid ... side effects, and far less pain.