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- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
2,277 total results
I started taking gabapentin in 2016 after stabbing, fiery nerve pain post an L5/S1 fusion. It...
in 2016 after stabbing, fiery nerve pain ... It allowed me to get off of opioids
I forget to state that I took Gabapentin for pain beginning the second week of treatment...
to state that I took Gabapentin for pain ... initially thought I could forego any pain ... regretted it when they had to take opioids ... I had little pain from the radiation
I had a Medtronic spinal stimulator implanted following partial spinal laminectomy to position & stabilize stimulator...
and was no longer getting adequate pain ... fighting my doctors, I finally had my 1st pain ... April 2021 to try to manage increasing pain ... causes me to get no relief from oral pain ... meds (opioids) because my liver processes
Hi, After an esophagectomy in November 2020, I suffered from constant pain in my abdomen. After...
November 2020, I suffered from constant pain ... experience re-starting my GI after Opioids ... Not totally pain free, but it works ... I have been going to a Pain Clinic with ... limited success; acupuncture, TENS, Opioids
Columbia univ professor Carl Hart(?) author of Drug use For Adults essentially tells us that drugs...
Here's a piece in the Times about pain ...