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- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
892 total results
Mechanic Jesus I to am in a wheelchair And no success with anything I’m on 4500...
Tremors, electric shocks throughout
Sorry, i forgot to add that I have cervical osteoarthritis . Lyrica worked well for the...
did not treat the nerve sensation of electric ... shocks in my head.
Hello Scott @revfluegel, Welcome to Connect, an online community where patients and caregivers share their experiences,...
crawling around under the skin and electric ... shocks and may be able to share their
Gabapentin is for "nerve pain" but when you think about it, all senstions are transmitted by...
shocks. ... I once messaged him that the electric ... shocks were occurring once per minute ... He agreed that one electric shock to ... Even a kiss could be electric!
@supporthusband I had electric shocks down my entire body if I bent my neck. That is...
@supporthusband I had electric shocks ... Shocks are usually nerve pain from compression