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443 total results
Hi, I'm not sure where exactly to put this post, but going to "Home" on websites...
Despite IVIG, Chemo, diets, acupuncture ... special tea, I have yet to stop the neuropathy ... severe and/or rapidly progressing neuropathy
Yes it can help. Using an ointment and rubbing on surgical site has provided relief. Smoking...
been a game changer in relieving the neuropathy ... I’ve had 5 back surgeries, tried acupuncture
Thanks for your reply @ericvnelson. There are a lot of similarities in our cases. I am...
also that the areas affected by the neuropathy ... Online, I began reading about acupuncture
Thanks John, I have not used Google Scholar, so that'll be fun to explore! As with...
half in, I had my first small fiber neuropathy ... Acupuncture helps.
Hi @suzylulu, I have found acupuncture to be the most effective treatment so far for my...
Hi @suzylulu, I have found acupuncture ... effective treatment so far for my neuropathy