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1,085 total results
reply to @aarniek I never heard of Benzo but I have been on Requip for years,...
on Requip for years, which is for restless ... leg.
@inspect28 28 @johnbishop @jpdurham526 As noted in my post, John, I drink the diet tonic water...
, I drink the diet tonic water for restless ... leg, not leg cramps. ... For leg cramps, I take 125 mg of magnesium
I have had peripheral neuropathy for about 20 years in both feet. I have been having...
I was misdiagnosed with restless leg ... I didn’t need to move my legs, my feet ... intensity up so high that it made my legs
I have run the gamut of medications for restless leg syndrome (RLS) over the past 25...
have run the gamut of medications for restless ... leg syndrome (RLS) over the past 25 ... As I age, my restless leg severity increases
Hi All... Just wanted to check in. I completed week 3 of my withdrawal from Effexor....
#39;ve been having what feels like restless ... hands/arms and feet/legs.