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945 total results
I did some research on shoes with a wide toe box and arch support. I currently...
recommended extra Vitamin D, and to try some Alpha ... Lipoic Acid vitamin supplements as
@jeffrapp Welcome to Connect. I appreciate your input. I don't have small fiber neuropathy, and my...
some literature about the role of alpha ... lipoic acid and glutathione and a deficiency ... acid is a potent antioxidant that prevents ... lipid peroxidation in vitro and in ... acid dose- and time-dependently prevented
HelenNicola, just curious as to why you take 1000mg. R-ala? I take 100mg. 3x per day...
I do know the R form of alpha lipoic ... acid is THE way to go, and it’s a first
@tmccarthy2019 Here is just a bit of what I can recommend. Unfortunately you need to read...
B-12 and B-6 for energy
Vitamin C
Alpha ... Lipoic Acid for cell renewal
Some people
Hi. I suffer from Peripheral Neuropathy. I tried Lyrica and Gabapentin. I had side effects from...
addition to that I also started taking Alpha ... Lipoic Acid (vitamin supplement) and