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4,684 total results
Prior to my THR my chest xray was good. Months later I had respiratory illness so...
Prior to my THR my chest xray was good ... 't feel they got the first one right
Hello @jayjew69 and welcome to Connect. You had quite an ordeal and I hope things are...
I think you might also be describing ... I had a chest infection 5 days after ... because I had pain into my shoulders and chest ... compression of nerves that pass through the chest ... caused by TOS) where one side of my chest
Hi @pc2018 I have not had radiation but I have a Paralyzed Right Diaprahm most likely...
had radiation but I have a Paralyzed Right ... was diagnosed when I had a followup Chest ... I then had a CT Scan of my chest which ... have Atelectasis at the bottom of my right ... said I have some restriction in my right
I was recently diagnosed @Johns Hopkins with FND after being to 14 specialists. Had a heart...
tremors, churning and discomfort in my chest ... upper body they my face effecting my sight ... an electrical charge feeling in my chest
@coco8 The issues that started were that my shoulder came forward and my back rounded which...
loosening up muscles of the front of the chest ... ;t go out, but when things are too tight ... on one side causing that side of my chest ... to be too tight and it affects my breathing