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- Search by keywords or complete phrases.
- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
1,436 total results
I have recently been reading about Stimwave and watching their videos of success stories. I like...
I have been considering a spinal cord ... stimulator for over a year for my hand ... where people can get information about spinal ... cord stimulators.
Has anyone out there fallen on their back and buttocks and had pain sitting, like me....
have had epidurals, nerve blocks, spinal ... cord stimulators, now on pain pump.
Welcome @galwaygirl, There are a few discussions on the Medtronic spinal cord stimulators that might be...
cord stimulators that might be helpful ... Cord Stimulation Device? ... ... /
-- Spinal cord stimulation: Will ... healthcare-professionals/products/neurological/spinal-cord-stimulation-systems
I was introduced to the concept many years ago when my husband's employer, Medtronic, pioneered a...
neuromodulation called deep brain stimulation ... Some examples include spinal cord stimulators
Welcome @vtsnowbird, Interesting question and you might get a lot of different answers depending if you...
talking drugs for neuropathy pain, spinal ... cord stimulators, TENS units and on