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10,649 total results
Hello, @norske46. Great question about drug combinations, Lupron, Enzalutamide and Zoledronic Acid. I’m hoping that members...
Education: Treatment for advanced prostate ...
@sailor1750, That's a good question and I'm guessing you've read some studies or an article about...
I don't have prostrate cancer but ... do have an enlarged prostrate so it ... and may be helpful:
Omega-3 and Prostate ... -6196(13)01000-8/pdf
Fish Oil and Prostate ... /fish-oil-prostate-cancer
Lupron is the most powerful drug I have ever taken. You will immediately feel the side-effects,...
also can shrink the tumor(s) on your prostate ... may be hiding in the corners of your prostate
I'm stage 3 so the cancer is beyond the prostate so options are a little different....
stage 3 so the cancer is beyond the prostate
Angiev18, Yes, I did have, and to some extent still do, have local docs who have...
skin, cancers of thyroid, pancreas, prostate