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- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
2,262 total results
Yes, Methlttexate does have so many risks. They want me to take it instead of my...
They want me to take it instead of my pain ... up what works just because of the Opiod
I noticed that too. It was like after the opioid wore off my body was calling...
It was like after the opioid wore off ... was calling for more by sending more pain ... Possibly not eradicate the pain entirely ... appreciated, how much of an energy drain pain
Hi debhol- I am now on almost 6 weeks post op for the same thing. It...
gave me Lyrica 50mg, for the nerve pain ... I only took the Tramadol (Opioid) for ... But the bigger pain came a little after
Very good choice getting off opioids. My wife was on them for quite a while and...
Very good choice getting off opioids ... reading on the internet I learned that opioids ... We still
can not figure WHY the opioids ... would cause pain. ... or no pain.
This is well written.i agree totally. You were able to express so well, what needs to...
then you don't have the kind of pain ... waiting to hear o ft the alternatives to opioids ... for what I call real pain.