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1,600 total results
Hi @johnbishop , I've worked in pharmacy since I was 16 (31 now) and studied to...
health issues which include small fiber neuropathy ... deficient for a while despite taking supplements ... the primary cause of the small fiber neuropathy
Hi @cokie63, welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I have no medical training or background but from...
High levels can be toxic and cause neuropathy ... can believe it's from taking a supplement ... Elevated B6 levels and peripheral neuropathies
I just joined today. I’m really confused why I have 106.7 B6 and 1303 B12 levels...
1303 B12 levels when I only took the supplements ... I have horrible peripheral neuropathy ... told me my symptoms were from the supplement
Hi, @lisalucier and @levity, thank you. Great to hear from you. Although I had the rupture...
ago, I have been trying different supplements ... the last embolization, I developed neuropathy ... Did anyone find any relief for neuropathy
@pfbacon, I take two 3000 mcg capsules of B12 in the morning and two in the...
two in the evening as part of the supplements ... I take for my neuropathy.