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892 total results
@serita If I remember correctly, the reaction to the implant started within a month or 2...
It is sometimes described as an electric ... shock, a sharp and stabbing pain."
Hi @maryflorida, You might wish to post your question in this discussion where you will find...
Electrical shocks throughout my body ... /
I have 4 arrhythmias a fib, atrial flutter, V tach, and SVT. I discovered the magic...
December of 2017 after a year of either shocks ... by my defibrillator or electro cardio ... During a Dr’s appointment at an electro
@lineage Wow! Your story is similar to my story. Thank you for writing about it in...
bent my neck forward, it sent a big electric ... bolt shock down my body.
I've had my share of EMG's, 3 at Mayo and a couple at HP Specialty Centre's....
Needles and the electrical shocks all