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650 total results
Hi, I have had these symptoms as well. It started right after I had the 1st...
Anyhow, this Dr. put me on a tapering dose ... I had heard that a Low Dose of Naltrexone
Posted: May 19, 2023
Hi @ripley- I’m so sorry for the delayed reply. I wrote this a few days after...
s proposed mechanism of action and low ... Regular naltrexone has been about a ... At a fraction of the regular dose, LDN ... time, the body/brain believes you’re low ... and a few times when I increased my dose
Support Group: Fibromyalgia
Posted: Jul 3, 2023
75 mg of naltrexone, or if something else? At that dose, it’s not considered LDN (low...
75 mg of naltrexone, or if something ... At that dose, it’s not considered LDN ... (low dose). ... I’m not familiar with larger doses being
Support Group: Autoimmune Diseases
Posted: Jun 25 10:13am