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891 total results
I had an epidural at T3 in 2010 and tye dr stuck the needle into a...
fly up bc it had the effect of an electrical ... shock. ... Tye electricity flew down into my Rt
@tiredoldman This statement is the only thing I could find on SFN and cold: “The symptoms...
experience burning pain or coldness and electric ... shock-like brief painful sensations
I'm going to be 82 years old. I ended treatment for breast cancer about 2 years...
had shooting pains that felt like electic ... shocks.
annieisland @annieisland, @mir123 It took about a year for those electric shock/pins and needles to go...
It took about a year for those electric ... shock/pins and needles to go away.
i had Trigemial Neuralgia in 2021 and was taking Carbamezapine and Indocin. It went away during...
but turn out it was like a needle/electric ... shock all over my scalp.