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4,659 total results
Does Small Fiber Neuropathy also cause muscle spasms?
I thought it might be pre-diabetic signs ... My doctor said to me that it might have ... At first the right foot, then both. ... He said I might have anxiety causing ... It cleared up my cough and heavy chest
Caregiver Burnout Warning
seven minutes (I timed it with the chess ... August hubby began experiencing mostly night ... of constant diahhrea and sleepless nights ... Between the sleepless nights and constant ... You might hurt your finger'
Diabetics, check blood before, during, and after exercise
I was really happy because I have cheated ... endo is not convinced, so a third Dr. might
Life After Cancer: Do you feel prepared for it?
swelling even spreads to my arms, chest ... fact that life after these hurdles might
Gagging + coughing w/saliva only (possible cricopharyngeal spasm?)
I cough so much it hurts in my chest ... spasmodic in some way, it comes on day and night
Thank you so much for sharing your valuable experience, Sue! I just saw this post right...
I just saw this post right now, and ... I had SCC on my chest that was identified ... proceeding happily, my comrades in fighting
I am 45 and I was diagnosed in 2019 on right side, mastectomy was one and...
45 and I was diagnosed in 2019 on right ... because I started developing cording on right ... Initial it has started on right arm ... legs, on finger, calf, stomach or chest
P.S. More detailed bloodwork panels help to give a better picture of what might be going...
help to give a better picture of what might ... Also, the chest pain can be very scary
Thank you to all. My prayers for all of you in your continued fight and wishing...
prayers for all of you in your continued fight ... back is now pain in her abdomen and chest
You are going through so much. Not knowing is hard. My baseline biopsy helped as well...
Eight years ago I got the MGUS diagnosis ... with attachments on my left illiac crest