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7,615 total results
No medications have been offered or even discussed. I think those are supersessive and not curative...
The amount of grade 4 cancer present ... in a small prostate is what has me
merwether, be glad to discuss anytime. Will be gone most of day today but you can...
both are very good treatments for prostrate ... cancer. ... had as you are still radiating the prostrate ... He has some patients with prostrate ... cancer who chose Mayo and some who chose
I agree with harvey44. I too would not wait. But we are all individuals and whether...
worry but address and deal with the prostrate ... cancer diagnosis. ... 1 in 6 men will be diagnosed with prostrate ... cancer. ... only help stop the growth of it as prostrate
I agree, too, but it is an individual choice. I am 62, Gleason 3+3, and most...
In addition, I found out my prostate ... here in the forums called Surviving Prostate ... Csncer I can’t recall the author’s
I am a 69 years old Black American male. I completed proton beam therapy for prostrate...
completed proton beam therapy for prostrate ... cancer last October with 5 treatments