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- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
891 total results
Thanks, @kimabooker. Both the heart monitor and the blood pressure monitor I have used were attached...
my symptoms seemed to me to be like electric ... shock.
"Has anybody else noticed 'warning signs' of an impending flare of PMR?" -------------------------- YES! I had...
I could handle "random electrical ... When those electrical zaps would happen ... shocks would cause. ... shocks stop. ... a matter of time until the full on electricity
Hello, posting this here as I posted in the wrong group. I’m a 28 y/o female...
o female who has been experiencing electrical ... shock like sensations for over two ... It feels like electricity is running
@irr4et Thank you for letting me know that my explanation of the brain was helpful to...
will also ask about the pains and electric-like ... shocks you feel in your scalp.
Hi, The coughing continues but has a new development - I somehow got pertussis or whooping...
Then, my arms and legs feel like an electrical ... shock went through them and this is