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7,681 total results
JDH697, It is a personal decision you have to make on being told to actively monitor...
are important as they determine if cancer ... is inside prostrate or has spread. ... did not want the stress of active cancer ... in my prostrate and would have chosen
I was diagnosed in August 21’, had RP in September 21’. My Gleason was 8 and...
The cancer had escaped the prostate ... Houston and Dr Fagundes at the Miami Cancer ... My thinking is that if the cancer is ... still localized in the prostate bed
I'll second @trusam1 's comment about chasing what-if's. I didn't have a RP because by the...
because by the time it was diagnosed my cancer ... surgery and radiation to both the prostate ... is traumatic stuff, both getting a cancer ... never have a 100% guarantee that the cancer
Support Group: Prostate Cancer
Posted: Nov 6, 2023
Just no way to know for sure. I'm 65, was on AS for 8 years. 3...
all found Gleason 3+3 non aggressive cancer ... Pathology found Gleason 3+5 in the prostate ... Worst kind of cancer was totally missed