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4,655 total results
Do I need a new Dr?
physically fit, kickboxing, running, light ... getting severe palpitations and slight chest
How do I keep blood pressure in check with Dysautonomia?
I don't know which is right. ... It started randomly every night around ... The right ventricular cavity size is ... I feel bubbling in my chest sometimes ... Chest pain seems to also be a symptom
Chronic Fatigue: Finding someone who can help me
it was over the course of a single night ... I started to have to fight a tendency ... And resulting in my right leg becoming ... ache" deep in the center of my chest ... (I might have Gynecomastia).
Running out of hope
I was also experiencing night sweats ... nose to check the throat, ct of the chest
Undiagnosed Cavitary lesion on bottom of lower left lobe.
Chest x ray disclosed an area of cancer ... what a pulmonary specialist there might
@carolweso91 Welcome to Connect. You're right about range of motion with just one level fairly low...
You're right about range of motion ... except that I cannot bend my chin to my chest
Thank you for the response. Great information. So interesting. These tests are clearly not always accurate,...
Like you, the chest pressure and back ... cause for concern but then it also might
In my year and a half of PMR I’ve had pain and stiffness travel from shoulders...
worst) to ribs and then to front of chest ... , including right breast.
I notice Magnesium Glycinate made things worse for me. It makes my body jolt. So, if...
problems and my body started to spasm at night ... interlocking your thumbs and tap on your chest
Thanks to all for your support. I'm actually from Finland and currently in care in comprehensive...
"because its so small and they might ... out of it alive, but the pain in my chest