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2,270 total results
Hosta, I agree with wsh66. Please keep trying different pain meds. That's what I'm doing. My...
Please keep trying different pain meds ... My dr. will no longer prescribe opiods
Support Group: Spine Health
Posted: Feb 18, 2018
Please don't give up. I understand the feeling of helplessness. I was a very active person,...
I went to 4 or 5 pain doctors before ... connected with living with chronic pain ... really helped me with living with the pain ... As for pain meds, that is going to be ... more difficult to get with the opioid
Support Group: Spine Health
Posted: Feb 11, 2018
Hi randee, I am also a newbie. I got a bundle of problems 20 years ago....
Most of my pain is numbness and tingling ... Here on Long Island 99.9% of pain doctors ... won't see me due to the opoid epidemic ... mother's dr. in the city writes me the pain ... don't know how u can live without the pain
Support Group: Fibromyalgia
Posted: Feb 2, 2018