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- Search by keywords or complete phrases.
- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
3,638 total results
Some doctors want me to take Neurontin or Lyrica. I experienced amnesia when taking them and...
doctors want me to take Neurontin or Lyrica
@jimhd What kind of side effects did you have from Lyrica. Also, what are some of...
of side effects did you have from Lyrica
I had a Botox shot approximately 10 yrs. Ago with no anesthesia in my urologists office....
hospitals pain clinic and started on lyrica ... Lyrica helps tremendously and I no longer ... Of course the lyrica has side effects
I take Lyrica only at night because it makes me sleepy but it does work. The...
I take Lyrica only at night because ... of you know if that's true for Lyrica ... Other days, the Lyrica and Gaba are ... I too, am grateful for Lyrica and Gabapentin
Hi The cymbalta I was on was after knee surgery for 1 yr it did work....
The Lyrica I couldn't function on