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- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
891 total results
@slw18 I would advise a consult with a spine specialist and a current MRI to determine...
You mentioned "electrical stimulation ... When I bent my neck forward, I got an electric ... shock down my entire body.
Eight years ago I took a step down and landed on my left heel. It felt...
It felt like an electric shock going
@constancebabe Thank you for your question, Connie. I presume that you are able to walk, but...
could bend my neck forward and send an electrical ... shock down my entire body.
@dizzyjw Can you be more specific about where the pain under the ribs is for your...
electric shock or burning sensation?
@becsbuddy, @sueinmn, @lioness et al...Hello, everyone. Big news from my home to you walking/gardening junkies ..Apparently,...
blower out of storage room, found the electric ... I'm in shock.