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- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
1,446 total results
Hi ChooseJoy- May I ask more about your implanted spinal cord stimulator? How satisfied have you...
May I ask more about your implanted spinal ... cord stimulator?
I have has many injections into my facets at L5-S1 to no avail. Nerve ablations, no...
Spinal fusion of L5-S1, no help. ... Spinal cord stimulator with meds worked
Cymbalta is a great pain reliever and anti depressant for me but I am going off...
I had a spinal cord stimulator placed
Acupuncture - points to stimulate central nervous (nerves) system of muscle, spinal cord, and brain -...
Acupuncture - points to stimulate central ... nervous (nerves) system of muscle, spinal ... cord, and brain - Johns Hopkins Medicine
It's the implant called Nevro HF10. He's located in Irvine, CA. Dr. Rafizad. He's had...
I don't think it is a spinal cord ... stimulator, rather, it blocks the pain ... generates for whatever reason(s), such as spinal