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67 total results
Fresh, organic, non gmo, non gluten foods: Very balanced between protein and vegetables (those containing both...
natural probiotics (e.g., sauerkraut, kefir ... A lot of Smart Water (it has a lot of ... electrolytes) and regular water.
@flib That's so scary! Do you have trouble making yourself eat? Are you on treatment for...
Then I had hemoptysis a month later ... protein, drank a smoothie made with kefir
Bcsbuddy- I am on a roll now and will order the book you recommended as I...
Pro-biotic yogurt, kefir allowed but ... looking at sugar does not make my mouth water
Hi @emstorm, I have an ileostomy and am prone to pretty dramatic water-dumping/dehydration events requiring hospitalization....
ileostomy and am prone to pretty dramatic water-dumping ... One office visit and then drinking Kefir
For anyone with nasty smelling urine, make sure you’re adequately hydrated. Plain water is probably best...
Plain water is probably best (with a ... Drinking Kefir is a good option.