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148 total results
Welcome to Connect, @dmc1937 AML can be a difficult to treat, especially when we’re older because...
From information I’ve read, low-dose ... A-Prospective-Phase-2-Study-of-Venetoclax-and-Low ... As with any type of chemo, the side ... Are they finding blasts (immature white ... blood cells) in your blood results?
Hi @cris2 It can be quite common for white blood counts to be low between chemo...
cris2 It can be quite common for white ... blood counts to be low between chemo ... cycles so there can be a delay in more chemo ... disappointing for your husband to delay chemo
Support Group: Head & Neck Cancer
Posted: Feb 1 9:55am
well, you are wonderful, and I am so glad I found you. I have not been...
" I just looked at my last blood ... results and see I am anemic and have low ... Plus your writing is a joy to read. ... I've had 3 chemo rounds so far.
Support Group: Breast Cancer
Posted: Feb 3 11:24am
As a colon cancer survivor, let me relate my journey with dealing with it. Everyone's experience...
and more side effects reaching the low ... Otherwise fatigue, lethargy and low ... after I got a severe vertigo attack while ... #39;t know specifics, but most have low ... system will likely be impaired for a while
Support Group: Colorectal Cancer
Posted: Jan 19 6:00pm
I’m going to answer both of your last 2 comments together since they’re related to stem...
the risk to any donor is extremely low ... donating stem cells by peripheral blood ... patients are given after a round of chemo ... to force regeneration of white blood ... products…red/white cells and platelets