Welcome to the Cancer Education Page

Oct 12, 2017 | Wendy Hanson | @wendyhanson

welcomeThe American Cancer Society (ACS) defines a cancer survivor from the time of diagnosis throughout the balance of life. ACS estimates the number of cancer survivors in the United States alone will exceed 20 million by 2026. This page is for these survivors, as well as caregivers, friends and families.

The word “cancer” stirs up many emotions. Our team is here to help sort out those emotions and assist you in being your own best advocate. More than ever before, cancer survivors are playing an active role in their health care team by learning about their diagnosis, treatment options and resources. Please lean on us to help you navigate through any unknowns.

While nothing will ever diminish the seriousness of cancer, we are fortunate that so many medical researchers, at Mayo Clinic and around the world, are focused on understanding and reducing the burden of cancer. A cancer diagnosis can be life-changing and concerns can plague survivors long after diagnosis and even "cure."

We hope this page provides the education you are seeking as well as connects you to supportive resources. You are not alone; our team is here to help.

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