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A while back, we told you about a research grant we received from the Alzheimer's Association Research Fellowship to Promote Diversity (AARF-D) program to carry…
Cigarette smoking has fallen to its lowest point in recorded history, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But there’s a new problem at hand: electronic…
When people with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) continue to have symptoms, they may be interested in exploring new diets. Jacalyn See, clinical…
One morning while sitting at the Welcome Desk, I was intrigued by the number of people who were using their cell phone to navigate Mayo…
Patients diagnosed with celiac disease must get regular check-ups to see if they are responding to a gluten-free diet. Doctors look for any lessening in symptoms,…
Mayo Clinic is one of the pioneering centers for congenital cardiac surgery, and the Mayo Adult Congenital Heart Disease Clinic has cared for more than…
Scholarship applications are now being accepted for students and artists to attend the 2019 Mayo Clinic Humanities in Medicine Symposium, taking place this October…
Chest surgery, also known as thoracic surgery, formerly involved "cracking open the chest," which requires a large incision, cutting through muscles, and a crank to spread…
The Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients (SRTR) is a key resource for transplant patients and their caregivers. SRTR’s mission is to provide advanced statistical analyses…
The majority of patients with the PSC have Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). The association of those two diseases is known for decades, yet the…
Let me introduce you to Kaushik Kancharla. He is a 2019 Century High School graduate who attended University of Minnesota Rochester as a PSEO (Post-Secondary…
Member Spotlights feature interviews with fellow Connect members. Learn more about members you’ve connected with and some you haven’t met yet. Nominate a member you…