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Many older adults wait too long to incorporate resources into their lives that will help them remain independent. Planning ahead is essential to considering…
The cold weather is here and the flu season is officially underway. Sadly, during the 2017-2018 flu season nearly 200 children died from influenza while…
A great story about finding purpose in life during tough times and realizing that sometimes instructors teach a lot more than the subject at hand.…
Feeling overwhelmed by the thought of preparing a Thanksgiving meal, but don’t want to rely on something that comes out of a box? This easy-to-prepare…
October is Ultrasound Awareness Month. Because 60-70% of HLHS cases are diagnosed in utero by ultrasound, the ultrasound sonographer often plays a crucial role…
At 35, Tyler McDonald felt like his best years were behind him. Affected by mystifying mobility issues and severe pain, he needed a cane…
October is Ultrasound Awareness Month. Because 60-70% of HLHS cases are diagnosed in utero by ultrasound, the ultrasound sonographer often plays a crucial role…
This perfect-for-fall recipe includes pumpkin, cinnamon, and nutmeg in a soup with less than 100 calories per serving! Enjoy it with an apple and whole…
Awhile back, we featured a post by HABIT staff member Maria Caselli (@mariacaselli), on the updated physical activity guidelines for older adults (check it out…
Videos of presentations from Behind the Shields in Rochester are now available, allowing you to revisit and share the updates of campus expansions, research and…
While you may think of bacteria as something bad that you should avoid, the bacteria inside your gut can keep you healthy. The human gastrointestinal tract harbors 100…
Growing up in North Dakota, Dr. Robert Kyle was heading toward a career in forestry until a family friend suggested that he become a doctor. He kept…