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Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is often the first step in the decline from normal cognitive function to forms of dementia, including Alzheimer's disease. The…
With the COVID-19 pandemic entering a tenth month, experts says adherence to public health measures appears to be waning in some parts of the country. "COVID…
Member Spotlights feature interviews with fellow Connect members. Learn more about members you’ve connected with and some you haven’t met yet. Nominate a member you…
A couple of weeks ago, we reposted an article about sharing a diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment. This is always a topic of discussion in…
Transplants are identified as nonelective surgeries, and transplant patients have faced urgent medical needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. "Our practice, like many others across the country,…
The following was written by a Mayo Clinic patient who has undergone bariatric surgery. They wished to remain anonymous upon posting. When making a journey,…
A new art exhibit, "Expressions of Clinician Well-Being," is available for touring virtually and an expanded collection is on display at the Rochester Art Center.…
Rochester, MN: Music is Good Medicine, a series of performances from the Lavins Center for Humanities in Medicine featuring Mayo Clinic employees, retirees & students…
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the use of digital health care, with telemedicine playing a big role in treating patients during the pandemic. But telemedicine…
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, it’s more important than ever to get a flu vaccine this year to keep people healthy and not overload the health care…
Article contributed by guest author, Barb Schroeder, Creative Renewal presenter. Dr. Robert Emmons, psychology professor at UC Davis, is considered a scientific expert on gratitude,…