All patients with multiple myeloma start with a diagnosis of monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance (MGUS). But, how concerned should a patient be when receiving a MGUS diagnosis? While some patients do go on to develop multiple myeloma (a process that can take up to 20-30 years), Mayo Clinic hematologist, Shaji Kumar, M.D., says only about twenty percent of MGUS patients develop multiple myeloma.
Dr. Kumar and his Myeloma team are working towards identifying an earlier stage of the cancer where a better chance to cure the disease or at least prevent the myeloma from developing for longer period of time could exist.
Learn more from Dr. Kumar about:
- Smoldering myeloma, 1:12
- Symptoms, 2:10
- New studies to identify those more at risk of developing myeloma, 3:00
- Potential new changes in treatment approach, 4:00