With the Minnesota winter months nearing, it is time, once again, to start thinking and planning for inclement weather situations. While we cannot control the weather, we can control our preparation and reaction. First and foremost, your safety is our top priority. With that in mind, we are sharing our revised weather closure policy. So, what has changed? In our previous policy, three criteria had to be met prior to MCVP cancelling. Based on your feedback, we simplified the process. Moving forward, MCVP will cancel all volunteer activities if one of the following criteria is met:
- Rochester schools have been canceled or dismissed early due to weather; or
- Activation of the Emergency Staffing Plan for Mayo Clinic has been made by the Hospital Operations Administrator (or Administrator On-Call after hours) or the Mayo Clinic Incident Commander.
When volunteering is cancelled, please do not report for your shifts. All cancellations will be communicated through:
- Volunteer Programs Mayo Clinic Connect page
- KTTC weather alerts
If volunteering is not cancelled during inclement weather situations, please use your discretion to decide whether it is safe to report for your shifts. We support your decision to stay home during inclement weather situations. If you elect not to volunteer, please contact the volunteer office to notify staff of your absence. Your safety is our number one priority.