Meet These Amazing Transplant Experts

May 1, 2018 | Kristen Quick, Marketing Specialist | @kequick

Today we’re rounding up three “Meet the Expert” posts in order to introduce you to some special faces from Mayo Clinic’s transplant center. We think they’re each pretty amazing, but don’t just take it from us– patients tell us they are too!

Meet Danielle Peabody Reuss

Danielle is a transplant social worker at Mayo Clinic’s campus in Rochester, Minn. Danielle says that undergoing a transplant affects every area of a patient’s life, which is why she’s passionate about caring for patients and serving as their advocate as they go through the journey. Learn more about Danielle.

2017-06-26 Danielle Reuss

Meet Raymond Heilman, M.D.

Raymond Heilman, M.D., is a transplant nephrologist at Mayo Clinic’s campus in Phoenix, Arizona. Dr. Heilman says, “What thrills me about transplant is how excited patients are. You can have an incredible impact on patients’ quality of life, and not only for the patient, but for the whole family. People are so grateful. It’s extremely rewarding, because they really are appreciative.” Learn more about Dr. Heilman.

2017-08-14 Heilman Blog Post

Meet Jeff Welch

Jeff is a living donor transplant social worker at Mayo Clinic’s campus in Phoenix, Arizona. Jeff’s days involve conducting initial psychosocial evaluations for liver or kidney living donors, and then following them before and after their surgeries. Learn more about Jeff.

2017-09-14 Meet Jeff Welsh

Have you met any of these transplant experts?


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