Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) for chronic pain was first described in 1967 by Dr. Shealy. It consists of applying electrical current to the posterior aspect of the spinal cord in an attempt to decrease the pain signals traveling to and from the brain. Since Dr. Shealy introduced this concept, medicine has sought to improve SCS results through innovative technology. While traditional SCS (TSCS) relies on creating a paresthesia or tingling sensation at the area of pain, recent advancements have allowed patients to live paresthesia-free and potentially experience improved pain control. This article will focus on one iteration of this new wave of technology, described as high frequency SCS (HFSCS).
This form of stimulation has been approved for use in Australia and Europe since 2011 and the United States since 2015. It involves the use of a low energy impulse that the body cannot sense. Therefore, the pain signals are blocked and the patient doesn’t experience the tingling sensation commonly associated with TSCS. This is important because most patients prefer a SCS system that avoids paresthesia creation.
Looking at the research involving SCS, TSCS has been proven to be effective through multiple randomized controlled trials for pain control in complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS), and painful peripheral neuropathy. While TSCS has proven beneficial for FBSS, HFSCS may provide even greater improvements for this patient population. In 2015 and 2016, two large studies were published that showed HFSCS provided superior results for FBSS with leg pain compared to TSCS. In addition, the medical community continues to work hard to expand indications for HFSCS. Current studies include nonsurgical low back pain, painful diabetic neuropathy, neck and upper extremity pain, and abdominal pain. I am hopeful that in the coming years we may have strong evidence for many other painful conditions.
To learn more about TSCS or HFSCS and how it may be beneficial for you, please contact our division for a consultation with one of our pain medicine physicians.
Learn more about:
- Neuromodulation via our Mayo Connect tab
- Dr. Jonathan Hagedorn and his pain practice at Mayo Clinic
- Request an appointment at Mayo Clinic
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Far to many initials used to replace names., Fine if your talking to doctors or experts. I'm neither but I am interested. Please replace initials with words. Thanks
Sorry for all the acronyms. Hopefully this legend will help:
SCS: spinal cord stimulation
TSCS: traditional spinal cord stimulation
HFSCS: high frequency spinal cord stimulation
CRPS: complex regional pain syndrome
FBSS: failed back surgery syndrome
Thanks for your post!
I have had chronic pain in my lower back and left leg to my foot (severe atrophy with drop foot), with most of the severe pain in my leg and foot. I Have had 4 surgeries (2 Laminectomy, 1 Discectomy) with the last being 6 months ago (L5-S1 fusion), all over a 20 year period. I also had a failed trial TSCS in 2018.
My doctor is now suggesting the HFSCS and I remember reading where there were issues with "long term injuries" not being suitable candidates for this procedure.
I would like your independent view/opinion?
Thank you
My partner has damaged kidneys and liver and is often in great pain. He also has Crohn's, diabetes and high blood pressure. Amazingly, he still has a sense of humor! Any suggestions are welcome.
Would a spine stimulator help lumbar radiculitis, leg pain, muscle spasms in the legs? I have no back pain.