Featured Podcast: Lewy Body Life

Jan 15, 2024 | Nick Rethemeier | @nrethemeier


Lewy Body Life is a new podcast series created to help care partners, family and friends understand and navigate the often complex and unpredictable Lewy Body Dementia (LBD) journey. Available on Apple, Google and Spotify podcast platforms — as well as online — Lewy Body Life is hosted by real people with real experience and real insight. Hosts Linda Olsen Engel, Ann Brucciani Lyon, and Paula Rice Biever, have years of involvement with LBD as care partners and as advocates. From early signs, communication strategies, to hallucinations, Lewy Body Life covers essential information for caring and coping.

Season 1 focuses on the lived experience of care partners and the challenges that families and persons living with LBD encounter.

Episode 1: Lewy Body 101 - The Roller Coaster ride

Lewy Body Dementia (LBD) is the second most common form of dementia, the least understood and the most difficult to diagnose because it’s episodic in nature. Unlike other forms of dementia where memory loss is gradual, the executive functioning of a person with Lewy Body ebbs and flows. In this episode, we cover the history of LBD and how it was identified, the diagnostic criteria for LBD, how LBD affects cognitive functioning and the importance of taking notes.

Episode 2: Hindsight is 20/20 - Early Signs of LBD

Does your loved one have Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD), REM Sleep Behavior Disorder and/or experience subtle shifts in personality and/or cognition? In this episode, we discuss some of the subtle and often overlooked physical, behavioral, cognitive and personality changes that may be early indicators of LBD.

Episode 3: Is the Unpredictability of LBD Making You Anxious

If you answered yes, you’re not alone. Join us for an honest look at the burden of caregiving and some strategies and resources that can help.

Episode 4: Keeping it Cool: Calming Communication Strategies

Simple but powerful techniques you can use every day to help prevent situations from escalating and why healthy detachment is important to your well being.

Episode 5: Hallucinations and Delusions? Go with the Flow

Are you caring for someone with LBD who’s hearing, seeing, touching, smelling or tasting things that aren’t there? Or thinking unfounded or nonsensical thoughts? In this episode we delve into hallucinations and delusions — what they are, how to navigate them and when to seek medication.


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