585 total results
Severe Covid,ICU,Ventilator,Trache,lung fibrosis,esophageal dysphasia
I was infected with Covid and hospitalised for 4.5 months in 2021. I would like to help others thru my story and recovery progress if...
Post covid flair up monthly
I got covid in October 2021 and had my first vaccine January 1rst this is when symptoms started have I now have dystolic heart failure...
Dealing with long COVID and COVID pneumonia
Hello everyone, so I started feeling sick around dec 16th, self quarantined until the 22nd only to test positive for covid it’s been a rollercoaster...
Confused about Covid-19 symptom progression
Hi all, So I had a fever almost 7 weeks ago now. The fever itself lasted 2-3 days. Initially I had green/yellow phlegm but later...
Wearing masks as added protection
Who here feels like mask mandates should have never been lifted? I understand people and their “freedom”or “rights” but I don’t see why it’s so...
Has anyone else been diagnosed with COPD after COVID?
Howdy, I'm a 52 year old guy that was diagnosed with COVID on May 6th. I also tested positive for antibodies in Fall 2020. I'm...
Long Hauler Worsening Symptoms and Doctors are Stumped
So the TLDR is I(And a very solid portion of my battalion) developed obvious covid symptoms simultaneously in December of 2019. Since then I have...
Post Covid chest tightness, pressure in throat, dizziness, SOB
My 80 year old mother had COVID 4 weeks ago. She had horrible headaches for 3 days. Did not require hospitalization but symptoms lasted for...
Thinking it’s all in our heads…
Not sure this is the appropriate forum to talk about this- but, when I first was diagnosed with LC ( 13 months ago) I remember...
Difficulty Driving After COVID-19
In 2021, I drove for miles on the highways for additional income using Lyft, GoPuff and GrubHub to provide extra cash for my family. January...